
Why do editors reject your articles sent for publication?

by Gyanvitaranam

   All the newspapers and magazines have their own style of writing and publishing stories and news for the readers. Some of them introduce their stories or articles with an anecdote while others simply do it with the bare facts and the contents of the topics chosen.

   They also use inter alia very conspicuous types of fonts, graphic designs, sketches and visuals. Selection of particular cult of language, words and sentences for the use in the writing provides bizarrely unique identity to the magazines and newspaper. This conspicuousness in the writing is what we call in media as “House Style.” In fact, the house style of a newspaper or magazine is tantamount to the corporate brand upon which it survives and sustains the subscription by the readers. House style, summarily, is the way in which each magazine or newspaper presents the information, uses the contents and various other literary genres on its pages. It varies magazine to....

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