
English matters most A good beginning is the hallmark of good writing

by Gyanvitaranam

       Did you know that there is a common bond between the science of driving a car and the art of writing? In both the cases, problems arise only at the time of starting. Experiencing difficulties in starting a story or article is very much common among all the writers no matter how great they may be. A good beginning of an article is very much vital in creating lasting impression on the mind of readers.

    An article on the fear of examination among students can be started in the following six effective ways:

Fact – Examination stresses are the result of lack of perfect preparation for the examination. They are also caused when students fail to schedule the time available.

Event – At the time of leaving for the examination, Prateek felt a severe headache and nausea. Prateek’s parents became very upset. They took him to a doctor. They were told that there was nothing serious about their son’s....

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