
Einstein in your cell phones

by Gyanvitaranam

    Every time you click your cell phone to locate someone or something, you would celebrate Albert Einstein. Sounds strange, but it’s true.

   Einstein proposed in his famous theory of special relativity that time is not constant and that objects in motion experience time slower than objects at rest. Initially not many realised that the theory marked a paradigm shift in Physics and would nurture a revolution in navigation worldwide.

    In 1916 Einstein published his theory of general relativity. In it he explained gravity’s effect on time. Objects on Earth, he said, experience time slower than objects in space, because of the relative effects of gravity. He united space and time into what is known as spacetime.

    A way to test his theory opened with the development of atomic clocks which measure time with fantastic precision. In 1971, two persons, Joseph Hafele, a physicist and Richard Keating,an....

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