
Plant trees to save our planet

by Gyanvitaranam

   We all know that plants consume light, sun energy and hydrogen from water apart from carbon dioxide from air and release oxygen during photo synthesis on their leaves. In the process, they produce glucose for their growth.

      On the contrary, we human beings take oxygen and release carbon dioxide. So without trees, we cannot get oxygen and there would be a great imbalance with more of carbon dioxide and less of oxygen. Despite this great advantage, human beings cut trees mindlessly leading to deforestation. Let us see why we cut trees.

Why does deforestation take place?

   On the Theory of Population, Malthus proposes the principle that human population grows exponentially while food production grows at an arithmetic rate. Though the Malthusian theory was proved wrong, everybody knows that our population is increasing rapidly though not in the geometric projection whereas the productivity of the land is coming....

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