
Words that Inspire

by Gyanvitaranam

    People and incidents in life make for great inspirations. But there are a few books that can shake the foundation of our being and change our outlook towards the world. As a writer, I enjoy reading others’ works; yet, there are a few that I’ve held onto for inspiration for life, and here is why.

Enslaved by Rahila Gupta

   During a time when I purchased books relying on the gist printed on the back cover, Enslaved made its way into my mini library. It lay there for months on end until I picked it up one morning when I had taken off from work nursing myself from flu.

   And what a day it was! triads and ended up facing slavery of a different kind, a Somalian woman who traded her modesty just to feed herself to survive, and a young Punjabi bride humiliated through an abusive marriage away from her homeland – forced me to wonder why people give in to any kind of domination. These five people escaped....

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