Guilt; a feeling of responsibility or remorse for some offense, crime, wrong, etc., whether real or imagined. Though it is a difficult task to understand guilt, the common agreement is that, it is a feeling what we develop within our-self and it is our mindset that reasons and pedals this feeling. The definition of ‘guilt’ may be – remorse or self-reproach caused by the feeling that one has done something wrong. This state L i v i n g t h e ‘ G u i l t ’ of mind, has as well found some other alternative terminologies like – shame, regret, remorse, contrition, self-reproach, etc..
However, the word ‘Guilt’ brings out the maximum in terms of the expressive intensity. As evident, Guilt can be defined as a selfconscious emotion that involves negative evaluations of the self, often associated with feelings of distress and sometimes even feelings of failure.
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