
Coin a mantra to live by

by Gyanvitaranam

   Life is a long journey with several forks along the road, each requiring a choice to be made. The direction to follow will depend on what course has been charted and perseverance of intent. Guidelines and priorities can be many, of which these five would probably find a prominent place.

Give: There are forms of giving other than monetary hand-outs. In fact the Boy Scout’s dictum ‘good deed for the day’, sets a ready example that money isn’t central to charity. The do-gooder explores options not necessarily confined to the financial route – from wanting to render service and/or wanting to help others. A doctor may supervise the blood donation camp set up to rush supplies to an earthquake affected region. A lecturer may conduct evening classes for under-privileged kids in the locality. One may join a social movement that volunteers to clean up a particular road or lake in the neighbourhood. Such practical expressions spring from....

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