
Know thyself

by Gyanvitaranam

  We should realize that our weaknesses are not unique and uncorrectable. No man is perfect and it should be our endeavour to change ourselves. But change is not possible without ourselves knowing who we are and why we do certain things in certain ways. Certain changes can be brought about and others are not changeable. --------------------------------------------------------------

  We should know what kind of person we are what is our potential. This judgment should come not out of some imagination but after introspection, reflection and contemplation. 

This is one of the oldest dictums which philosophers have been telling us to adopt. It is said that this was inscribed at the temple of Apollo.

  This is as relevant today as it was several hundred years ago. Perhaps it is more relevant now than ever before when our minds are crowded and there is stress and tension at every minute of our lives. There is a constant conflict in our....

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