
Improve your body language with these easy steps

by Gyanvitaranam

   First day on the job! You want to make a good first impression on your colleagues as well as your manager. You arrive early, stay back late, dress appropriately, ask for help and take initiative. But, have you ever focused on the non-verbal signals that you pass through your body language?

   “Our bodies can change our mind then our behaviour and ultimately the results.” –Amy Cuddy.

   Body language is a major superpower for an individual. It has the power of making a good impression or tarnishing your reputation once and for all. Kinesics, the original term for body language is derived from the German language, meaning movement. It plays a great role in all aspects of your life — business, management and leadership and roles.

   At some point in life, we all have learned about reading others’ body language. Too bad, we have never spared time to work on our own body language. Here....

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