
The Strangest Secret

by Gyanvitaranam

    Earl Nightingale’s 1956 written and recorded message, The Strangest Secret, a response to the question he had been searching for from the age of nine, was the seeding from which the entire Personal Development Industry grew.

    Born in economically depressed times, Earl wanted to know why some people grew up to enjoy prosperity while others struggled for survival. For Earl, the strangest secret is related to people not thinking consciously.

  To further explain Earl takes an example – let’s take a hundred men who start even at the age of twenty-five. Do you know what will happen to those men when they are sixty-five? By the time they are sixty-five one will be rich, four will be financially independent, five will still be working and fifty-four will be broke. Think, why is it so?

   We live today in the era that man has looked forward to, dreamed of and worked hard for thousands of years, then....

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