
John Allwright Fellowship (JAF)

by Gyanvitaranam


1. John Allwright Fellowship (JAF)

  Offered by the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), the John Allwright Fellowship is awarded to scientists from partner country institutions involved in the research projects of ACIAR. The beneficiaries of this fellowship would get the opportunity to undertake postgraduate training in Australia with standard coverage of their expenses. ACIAR focuses on agribusiness, crops, and forestry-related research in India.

Type: Fellowship and Research.


• Enrolled in Ph.D

• Good academic performance

• Interested in ACIAR

2. Endeavour Postgraduate Scholarship

  The Australian government funds Endeavour postgraduate scholarships to Australians who wish to study abroad as well as to non-Australians who desire and deserve to study master’s in Australia. Sponsored....

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