
Fantasy world of T. K. Vadivel Pillai

by Gyanvitaranam

TK. Vadivel Pillai is a well-known figure in the entertainment field of our country for his excellence in magic and elegance in finger shadowgraphy. He has amused and amazed thousands of people in many parts of India and in several foreign countries. Let’s have a peep into his fantasy world.

As a Magician

   Vadivel Pillai was fascinated by a street magician using cups and balls in 1972 when he was a kid which influenced him to learn magic. He was initially trained by Mr. P.K. Elango and Mr. K. Bagyanath. He started his professional career in 1988. Because of his strenuous hard work, he could improve upon his magical skills by leaps and bounds. Mr. Pillai made magic shows popular among people all over the world by entering into their homes through his highly acclaimed serials on television. His serials Choo Manthra Kaali, It’s Magic and Mayajaalam were telecast in Sun and Jaya TV. He also performed several shows on national channels. He....

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