
Let’s convert tragedies into triumphs

by Gyanvitaranam

    We work hard to attain success. When we get victory, we celebrate it with a joyful mood. But when we face problems, we feel sad as if we are let down by God. We complain and even scold God due to the rigidity and severity of the trials.

    In fact, problems teach us important life lessons for moulding us. Problems make us move closer to God. They kindle our talents and improve our self-confidence. Above all, they create opportunities to turn the tragedies and trials into triumphs. Let’s peep into the following live cases to understand and appreciate the value of tragedies and trials.

A violinist used non-violence

   Fritz Kreisler (1875 to 1962) was a great violinist and orchestral composer. But he used to spend a major portion of his income towards charity. One day, when Kreisler went into a musical shop, he saw an old violin. He played on the violin and produced scintillating music. He wanted to buy it....

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