
Black Pepper the “King of all spices”

by Gyanvitaranam

     Pepper, the king of all spices is considered as one of the oldest and best known spices in the world with a unique taste. Black Pepper is a dried mature berry of the plant Piper nigrum, belonging to the family Piperaceae. The black pepper fruit grows from a woody vine known as pepper plant a climber and perennial shrub mostly found in hot and moist regions of Southern India.

   Native to India, pepper has originated from the hills of South Western Ghats and has played a very important role throughout the trade history of our country. During historic era, pepper had held a highly privileged position that it was not only used as a spice but also as currency to pay taxes and as sacred offerings to gods. During the fall of ancient Rome, the invading barbarians were also honoured by giving black pepper as gifts. Vietnam, Indonesia and India are the leading producers and exporters of black pepper in the world.

    The fruit....

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