
Stuff of Legends Amazing creatures in Hindu Mythology

by Gyanvitaranam

     Mythical beasts, s u p e r n a t u r a l creatures, and god-like beings have evoked curiosity and fascination in humans since time immemorial. They have a significant place in folklore, stories, songs, and works of art from around the world. Mythological creatures such as Unicorn, Sphinx, Phoenix, Chimera, Dragons and so on continue to terrify, excite and inspire us. In fact, these hybrid characters are testimony to the imaginative spirit of the ancients and have always been symbolic of power, beauty, greed, humility, wisdom, cruelty and several other virtues and vices.

   If you are a lover of myths, then here’s something for you! Did you know that our Hindu scriptures are replete with such amazing mythical creatures? Let’s take a look at some of the lesser-known mythical beings and some of the interesting folklores associated with them.

1. Chakora

   Chakora is a legendary bird, a kind of partridge....

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