
Events Cover July 15,2019- Aug 14,2019

by Gyanvitaranam


y Restricting the speeds of vessels and blowing sirens and horns is how the Ministry of Shipping plans to safeguard the population of the Ganges River Dolphin, in the country’s only dolphin reserve through which National Waterway – 1 connecting Haldia to Varanasi passes. The response was tabled in Parliament in reply to a question by Congress MP ShashiTaroor.

y The Disney studio is banking on its latest – The Lion King – to climb right to the top of the production chain. With a star studded voice cast including Beyonce and an estimated $ 250 million budget, Disney has spared no expense bringing its beloved lion roaring to photo-realistic life.


y Senior BJP leader Kalraj Mishra is appointed Governor of Himachal Pradesh, replacing Acharya Dev Vrat, who has been transferred and appointed the Governor of Gujarat. 

y New statues of astronaut Neil Armstrong are unveiled and an education....

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