
Jamrul The refresher

by Gyanvitaranam

     During the pre-historic era, our motherland was popularly known as ‘Jambudweep’ and the name was derived from Jamrul fruit which was abundantly available in those days. But now the availability of this fruit is very limited in our markets due to the invasion of exotic fruits and lack of support to the jamrul cultivators. Jamrul is said to have originated from Malay and Nicobar islands. It is also popular in Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Taiwan, Vietnam, Jamaica and a few Latin American countries. Presently Taiwan and Florida (U.S.A.) are the leading producers of jamrul. The fruit is sweet in taste and the sweetest varieties are usually shades of white and dark pink.

   Jambu has also a Sanskrit origin. Being the favourite fruit of Lord Ganesh, it is also considered as a Legend fruit and is mentioned in the religious texts of India, such as the ‘Ganesh Stuti’. Being a summer crop, jamrul tree bears fruits in the month of....

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