
Mint The cool-cool refresher

by Gyanvitaranam

   Mint is one of the world’s oldest medicinal herbs and has been used in both Eastern and Western traditions for more than 2000 years. Ancient Greek, Roman and Egyptian cultures used the herb in cooking and medicine. Peppermint is currently one of the most economically important aromatic and medicinal crops produced in the U.S. The world production of peppermint oil is about 8000 tons per year. A cup of mint tea or pudina chai is not only a refreshing drink but also has many health benefits. It acts as a natural breath freshener and keeps bacteria and infections away.

    Traditionally, mint was used as a home remedy for ‘mandaagni’ which means poor digestion. In Ayurveda, Agni or fire controls digestion and metabolism. Mint relieves hiccups and flatulence. Mint also has febrifugal and diuretic properties. Spearmint was the original medicinal mint. Peppermint apGeneral Knowledge | R.J. Anish | peared later, a natural hybrid of....

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