
Tagore crusader against colonialism

by Gyanvitaranam

   Born in 1861 in an upper-caste aristocratic Bengali family, while the country was passing through a period of cultural and political upheaval due to the British rule in India, Rabindranath Tagore’s encounter with politics was somewhat natural though complex.

    The versatility and variety of his novels, poems, plays, songs and paintings depicted this complexity and yet retained the vitality and vigor required not only during his time but for all ages. This was instrumental in shaping India’s successful achievement of the landmark – ‘independence from British colonialism’.

   Rabindranath, as he is popularly known in Bengal, was a nationalist to the core but had an ideologically different perception about its practices from other leaders of the freedom movement of his time. While nobody ever doubted his patriotic credentials, he differed with many in his peer group about the idea of....

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