
Monster rocket GSLV MK – III launched One large step for ISRO, a giant leap for India as a global space power

by Gyanvitaranam

   India’s space agency debuted a massive 640 tonne rocket GSLV MK-III rocket on June 5, 2017 launching it from the south-eastern barrier island of Sriharikota. The Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV Mk III) will function mainly as a delivery system for heavier satellites, but the Indian Space Research Organization hopes that it can one day carry a manned mission - the country’s first - beyond Earth’s atmosphere.

Why is the GSLV-Mark III flight so important for India?

1. India becomes self-reliant in launching four-tonne communication satellites. It had earlier been depending on foreign rockets. GSLV-Mark III was used on June 5thto put in space GSAT19, which weighs only 3,136 kilograms, because ISRO didn’t want to take chances with the rocket’s maiden flight.

2. India joins a small club of heavy-lift satellite launchers. Only the space agencies of the US, Russia, France, China, Japan and Europe are....

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