
Living Beyond the Last Page

by Gyanvitaranam

    There are thousands of books published every year and there is just a fraction that makes it to the list of the famous – some short lived, some embalmed in glory. Among them there is just one fraction of characters who continue to live beyond the last page. Some characters achieve fame greater than their creator. There’s quite a list of them too, but in my column this month I’m going to dwell on a few couple characters who continue to thrive with pulsating life in the imagination of readers.

Scarlett O’ Hara and Rhett Butler, “Gone With The Wind” by Margaret Mitchell.

    They fought, they cursed each other. But their passion stood strong immortalizing them as a strong character couple in English literature. Scarlett is a beautiful, fiercely ambitious narcissist with raw energy. While she constantly speaks of her love for the simple-hearted Ashley Wilkes, her passion is only matched by the unscrupulous....

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