
Still in the cave?

by Gyanvitaranam

   “War is a necessary evil’: Most necessary evils are far more evil than necessary.” The recent war and killings in many parts of world reveal a disturbing fact: Man has neither come out of the cave yet, nor come down from the trees he lived.

    In spite of the unimaginable progress he had made in several fields of science, technology, medicine, space, etc., in spite of his enhanced abilities to invent and produce new gadgets every day, deep within his heart lies the barbaric man of the stone age or even prior to that. He has not grown to be a full-fledged man, fit to live in a civilised society.

    Religious prophets, great philosophers, kings and great statesmen have come and gone; millions years later, their basic flaws remain in tact. In fact, he uses the new technology and the new gadgets to inflict more damage and injury to the gossamer fibre of society, on his fellowmen and on the earth he lives in.....

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