
Koalas’ conundrum

by Gyanvitaranam

   We are living in times of growing concerns for sustaining ecosystem and biodiversity for the sake of flora and fauna. Ecological changes brought by climate change are outpacing the ability of animals to adapt to the new environment. Climate change is impacting many species affecting their abundance, genetic composition, behaviour and survival.

    It impacts their survival rates due to changes leading to less food, less successful reproduction and interfering with their habitats. Sadly, now the environment ministry of Australia has recently listed their lovable and lovely koalas as endangered species for Queensland, New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory.

   Due to rapidly diminishing habitats, bushfires, drought and disease, the once-thriving marsupial koalas are now facing losing battle for survival. “This listing adds priority when it comes to the conservation of the koalas,” Australia’s....

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