
Interview Damien Antony

by Gyanvitaranam

    A former bullyee who had to switch schools to escape bullying, Damien Antony knows where he is coming from. He also knows where he is going to, as he is a man with a mission. He has been associated with students for eons, through his work as a tutor and also through publishing and distributing academic books.

  Damien got to know the pulse of students - what exactly hits and what misses. Through his extensive interaction with the students, he realised there was a huge gap in the current education system and he set out to author ‘Winners Factory - A Motivational Guide for Students’, which he hopes would mould the minds and hearts of the little scholars. In the following interview, he discusses his motivation behind the book and his hopes for a better world.

What was the motivation behind the book?

   While the ‘Winners Factory’ is meant for students of any and all streams, the primary focus is on....

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