
Is God a singularity of the Physicists?

by Gyanvitaranam

 ) Does God exist? He exists as surely as you do.

) How do you know? How do you know that you yourself exist?

) I know because not only I think I am, but also I feel so with all my senses. But I can’t say the same of God. You’ll say the same of God if you follow closely what I’m going to say. Okay?

) I’d love to. Please go ahead. Well, what you’ve just told me is from the knowledge derived from the experience of your waking state.

) So what? What you’re going to say is also being said in the waking state you and I are sharing. Well, I’m coming to that. Suppose you dream the same situation as this when you go to sleep tonight. Don’t you feel it real as long as you’re in that dream state?

) Yes, absolutely. But the moment I wake up, I feel it unreal. Further the experience of seeing and conversing with you in my dream is my own. You won’t have any knowledge of it until I....

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