
Central Sector Scholarship Scheme for College and University Students

by Gyanvitaranam

   Central Sector Scheme of Scholarship is for College and University Students, as introduced by the Ministry of Human Resources Development, Department of Higher Education, Government of India during the XI Five Year Plan period. The aim of the scholarship scheme is to provide financial assistance to meritorious students from lowincome families to meet dayto-day expenses while pursuing higher studies. Central Sector Scholarship will be awarded on the basis of the results of senior secondary examinations (class XII) of 10+2 pattern or equivalent. 50% of the scholarships would be earmarked for girls. 82000 fresh scholarships per annum (41000 for boys and 41000 for girls) will be awarded for graduate/post graduate studies in colleges and universities and for professional courses, such as Medical, Engineering, etc. The total number of scholarships will be divided amongst the State Boards based on the State’s population in the age group of 18-28 years, after segregating....

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