
The Kuka Movement

by Gyanvitaranam

  For many years after the first war of Independence, in 1857, armed resistance against the British was witnessed in many parts of the country. Though the incidents of resistance were mostly local, it revealed the discontent against the foreign rulers.

  The Kuka Movement marked the first major reaction of the people in the Punjab to the new political order initiated by the British after 1849. The Namdhari Movement, of which the Kuka Movement was the most important phase, aimed at overthrowing the British rule. The Namdharis were also known as “Kukas” because of their trademark style of reciting the “Gurbani” (Saying/ Teachings of the Guru).

  This style was in a high-pitched voice called “Kook” in Punjabi. Thus, the Namdharis were also called “Kukas”. Satguru Ram Singh, son of a poor carpenter, who was born on 3rd February, 1816 in a small village of Bhaini, around seven kilometers away from....

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