
Forget it!

by Gyanvitaranam

   Computers never forget. That is not a happy feature. Our comments made at school or college, our health problems, love life and office troubles expressed somewhere to someone as well as our remarks on political events and personalities may all surface to haunt us today.

   Even though we may have changed a lot in terms of our views and relationships, and given up bad habits long ago, the Internet is there to reconstruct the image. Such a recollection could be personally devastating. The Internet tends to freeze our personalities with the data collected about us. Online information is used to build a profile of a person in terms of his or her employment, eligibility of financial deals as recorded and found in past episodes. The personal radar shows it forever.

    Even if one has turned a new leaf, the past dead wood stares online! What matters is one’s shadow online, not the substance. You are what you click. The nature of....

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