
A Dutch gift Total football

by Gyanvitaranam

  Matches are an essential part of sports and they give rise to competitive spirit and sportsmanship. Moreover, matches are a kind of get-together where players, apart from playing and displaying their physical stamina, exchange ideas and information and have free and frank discussions among themselves.

  A football match is a constant recharging of space; it’s pure effect. Obviously there are rules but the rules aren’t materialized. And when there are transformations within a game, they cause transformations within your body and in the emotions. It is a very emotional space; it’s space effect. Dutch observed that the football pitch is the same size and shape everywhere in the world, yet no one else thought about the relation between football and space in that way.

  When the Dutch National Team qualified for the 1974 FIFA World Cup led by Johan Cruyff, their first appearance at the tournament since 1938, none could have foretold....

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