
Star of stage shows Heliconia

by Gyanvitaranam

    Heliconia, the highly demanded flower in cut-flower industry are grown for their beautiful brilliant coloured bracts in pendulous/erect floral stems. Heliconias are one of the most colourful and beautiful flowers that come in different colour forms. The foliage is also attractive, with purple coloration on the leaf underside. Heliconia flowers are produced on long, erect or drooping panicles, and consist of brightly colored waxy bracts, with small true flowers inside the bracts. Bracts can be orange, purple, red, yellow, pink, green or their combinations.

   Easy to grow even in shady regions, they have become increasingly popular now a days for indoor floral arrangements and stage decorations. The striking colours, stiff bracts and long keeping quality of heliconias make them excellent for floral craft works. The attractive foliage and flowers adds beauty to landscape making it an excellent garden plant.

    The flowers....

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