
State Bank of India (SBI) Announces Youth for India Fellowship Program 2014

by Gyanvitaranam

    State Bank of India announces scholarships for Youth for India Fellowship Program2014 intake. SBI Youth for India is a fellowship program initiated, funded and managed by the State Bank of India in partnership with reputed NGOs. It provides a framework for India’s best young minds to join hands with rural communities, empathize with their struggles and connect with their aspirations

    The Program seeks to help India secure an equitable and sustainable growth path by: Providing educated Indian youth with an opportunity to touch lives and create positive change at the grass roots level in rural India. Providing NGOs working on development projects in rural India with educated manpower whose skill sets can be used to catalyze rural development. Promoting a forum for the Program alumni to share ideas and contribute to rural development throughout their professional life.

Duration: The program will be for a duration ofone year....

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