
Growth of Women Entrepreneurship in India

by Gyanvitaranam

   Women in India constitute around half of the country’s population. Hence, they are regarded as the “better half of the society”. In the official proclamation, they are at par with men. But, in real life, the truth prevails otherwise. Our society is still maledominated and women are not treated as equal partners both inside and outside the four walls of the house.

   In fact, they are treated as abla, i.e., weak and dependent on men. As such, the Indian women enjoy a disadvantageous status in the society. Let us give some facts about it. The low literacy rate (40%), low work participation rate (28%) and low urban population share (10%) of women as compared to 60%, 52% and 18% respectively of their male counterparts well confirm their disadvantageous position in the Indian society. Our age-old socio-cultural traditions and taboos arresting the women within four walls of their houses also make their conditions more....

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