
A bounteous wish fulfilling tree

by Gyanvitaranam

  The tall, gentle and majestic coconut palms swaying mildly in the soothing sea breeze of the Indian coastal stretch is a delightful sight that is really good enough to be a part of the enchanting picture post card. As every part of the coconut tree is used in some form or other, it is usually referred to as Kalpa Vriksha or wish fulfilling tree.

  In Hindu religious lore, coconut is a symbol of auspiciousness and is a must in most of the social and religious ceremonies including marriage. No temple ritual in India is considered complete without the offering of a coconut to the deity. There is no part of the tree which is not put to use in some way or the other. Indeed, in terms of versatility no other tree crop grown can equal the coconut palm which provides sustenance to more than one million people in India. Not surprisingly then coconut is cultivated in more than 80 countries around the world. Coconut water is a healthy natural drink that is also used in....

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