
Henry David Thoreau’s Walden

by Gyanvitaranam

   With the monsoon showers hitting home, I got to spend some quality time re-visiting some of my old favourites. So picking up Thoreau’s Walden I went through some of the most memorable passages again. Written by the noted transcendentalist Henry David Thoreau, this book records his experiments in woodland living, which meant that he lived away from society in a house built by him, in the woods. He did this in July 1845 and recorded his experience and his accompanying philosophy in this book titled after a pond he lived near to – Walden pond.

   This book had famously inspired many leaders with its declaration of self-independence, social experiment and voyage into spiritual discovery. The book records his experiences as he begins his experiment of “going to the woods”. He writes in detail about various seemingly insignificant things like bean cultivation, how best to measure the depth of a pond and much advice on how to create....

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