
MOMA Merit Cum Means Based Scholarships, 2014-2015

by Gyanvitaranam

    MOMA Merit Cum Means Based Scholarships, and applications can be submitted till 15th September, 2014. Applications are invited for merit cum means based scholarships for pursuing degree and/or postgraduate level technical and professional courses from a recognized institution. These scholarships are available for studies in India only and will be awarded through an Agency designated by the State Government/UT Administration. Students, who have got admission in a recognized college to pursue technical/professional courses, on the basis of a competitive examination will be eligible for the scholarship. A scholarship holder under this scheme MOMA Merit Cum Means Based Scholarships, 2014-2015 will not avail any other scholarship/stipend for pursuing the course. Every year 20000 scholarships will be reserved for girls of each minority community in a state which is transferable to male student of that community in case of non-availability of female candidates in that....

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