
What is Scientific Temper?

by Gyanvitaranam

    People often talk about scientific temper without bothering to elaborate the concept. Here I gather the basic tenets of this philosophy. I lay no claims to originality. To possess scientific temper one need not be a scientist. Conversely, there are scientists who do not have scientific temper!

1. There is no final authority in science. Armed with proper logic or evidence, one can question even the highest authority. This is a crucial difference between science and blind faith or dogma. The freedom to question is at the very root of scientific progress! That’s how old theories are replaced (or modified) by new ones.

2. There is nothing like absolute truth in science. We can progressively approach truth but never reach it. Hence the search continues. Thus, anyone who claims monopoly over absolute truth has no scientific temper.

3. Science teaches us humility. One of the most beautiful and awe-inspiring sights in this world is the....

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