

by Gyanvitaranam

    Scholarship for Excellence in English (S.E.E.) is an endeavour by SOF (Science Olympiad Foundation) and the British Council to recognize and reward excellence in English language among school students in India.

   Under S.E.E., a scholarship amount of Rs. 5000/- each plus a Merit Certificate will be given to 120 students in India in recognition of their excellence in English language.

Salient Features of S.E.E: The S.E.E. is a one- time scholarship. Under S.E.E, 120 schools students from class 3 to 10 across India will be selected. The selection of the S.E.E winners will be done from recommendations sent by schools. Each selected student will be awarded a scholarship of Rs. 5000/- and a Merit Certificate as a recognition of her/ his excellence in English Language. Cheque for the amount, in favour of the selected student, will be dispatched at the school address.

Eligibility criteria:

   A school may send a....

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