
Gandhi Globalisation and Climate Change

by Gyanvitaranam

   People who are searching for sustainable solutions to the critical problems faced by humanity today and are groping in the dark for alternatives finally find light in Gandhi - be it in environmental crisis, terrorism, war, food insecurity, gender discrimination, human right violations, water scarcity, soulless consumerism or depletion of natural resources.

   Gandhi’s vision embraced the fundamentals of existence, regardless of time and space. Nobody has spoken so poignantly and clearly on the dangers of industrial civilization, which he qualified as self-destructive. Gandhi had sounded the warning already in HIND SWARAJ in 1908. Now after over a hundred years, we are slowly waking up to this realization. This is the result of a growing realization that our present way of living is leading us headlong into disaster.

   Wherever development has made rapid strides, it has been accompanied by environmental problems, social....

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