
Francis One Pope

by Gyanvitaranam

   Should Pope Francis sell off the Vatican’s art collection and give the money to the poor? The answer is an emphatic ‘No’ There are some irreversible changes which cause lasting damage: others which bring real spiritual growth. Pope Francis will know the difference Pope Francis


   Mor Sharing Services Share|Share on facebookShare on myspaceShare on googleShare on twitter. Pope Francis addresses diplomats in the Sala Regia on Friday (CNS) Already, Pope Francis has simplified the papacy, probably in some ways which are irreversible. He and the concelebrating cardinals at his installation wore very plain white chasubles (Pope Benedict wore gold), and he has worn very simple – not to say, in one case, distinctly cheap-looking – Mass vestments since.

   When seated in the presence of various groups, he has replaced throne-like seating with a simple, white chair, and has lowered platforms so....

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