
Practise affirmations to transform your life

by Gyanvitaranam

  Human beings are far away to believe that miracles can happen. Miracles do not come with luck. In our life, it is our practices that force magic to happen. And, one such magic is affirmation. Yes, it works in one’s life when you make it a purpose to practise in your life.

  It takes only a few minutes to go through your affirmation journal. Every other thing can wait if you truly believe in transforming your life.

  Miracles do not happen overnight. Your hard work, patience, and positive belief lead you to a life that you desire for. The ongoing personal turmoil, professional ups and downs, financial crunches, relationship heartbreak are the various reasons for you to stock up all the negative feelings and emotions in you.

  Some people vent these negative emotions through anger, addiction, jealously and selfishness. But in the end, they are not happy from the inside. Each negative feeling leads to mental stress, anxiety and....

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