
What the nation expects

by Gyanvitaranam

  “To strive towards excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity.” (Art.51A (x) of the Constitution of India). Article 51A enumerates ten fundamental duties of the citizens of India. And the above is one among them.

  Most of the people are familiar What the nation expects with the Fundamental Rights guaranteed by the Constitution. We talk about our right to freedoms. We do not even bother to know the limitations, the restrictions.We think the freedoms guaranteed are absolute, unfettered, unlimited and unrestricted.  And we behave with this wrong impression.

Age is not the criterion; position or status do not matter; the indefatigable spirit should guide us towards excellence and to the end of the world.

  The notion of Fundamental Duties have never entered the social psyche. Many are not even aware that such an Article exists in our Constitution. This Article was not originally envisaged by our....

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