
Tata Innovation Fellowship

by Gyanvitaranam

     Applications are invited for the Tata Innovation Fellowship, a highly competitive scheme instituted by the Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of India to recognize and reward scientists with outstanding track record in Biological sciences/Biotechnology to find innovative solutions to major problems in health care, agriculture, environment and other allied areas related to life sciences and Biotechnology.


(i) The fellowship is open to Indian Nationals residing in India who are below the age of 55 years as on the closing date of the application. The fellowship is co-terminus with the superannuation of fellow in his/her organization.

(ii) The applicant should possess a Ph. D. degree in Life Sciences, Agriculture, Veterinary Science or a Master’s degree in Medical Sciences, Engineering or an equivalent degree in Biotechnology/ related areas. The applicant must have outstanding....

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