
The Lizard of Oz and other stories by Khyrunnisa, A.

by Gyanvitaranam

      My earliest forays into the magical, wondrous world of literature – like, I suspect, of most bibliophiles – were triggered by a childhood fascination with animal fiction. The best examples of this genre, including time-tested favourites like Aesop’s Fables, the Panchatantra, A. A. Milne’s Winnie the Pooh, and E. B. White’s Charlotte’s Web, to name, but a few, have been rightly applauded for enkindling in young minds a sense of empathy, imaginativeness, and a keen appreciation for the art of story-telling. Thus when acclaimed children’s author Khyrunnisa, A., best known for her highly successful Butterfingers series, came out with a volume of animal stories – intriguingly titled The Lizard of Oz and Other Stories – I could not resist picking up a copy. Happily enough, the book does not disappoint.

      Published by Scholastic India, The Lizard of Oz is a slim, yet engaging collection....

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