Who does not want to write pretty interesting and immaculately flawless articles and stories? All the writers, both seasoned and budding, do not leave any stone unturned to write such a masterpiece which proves to be model writing measured from all the parameters of accuracy and grammar of a particular language. Readers love to read such sort of pieces repeatedly because after each reading they feel more infatuated and enlightened than ever.

   Manav, a 13-year-oldIX-class boy, once wrote an article for his school magazine on how to curb the fast increasing menace of cyber crime. Unfortunately, the article was not accepted by the editorial board, headed by his English teacher. This rejection considerably disappointed the boy.He went to his English teacher inconsolably and requested him to let him know what had gone wrong with his much-aspired article.

   “My son, first you must understand that writing is not a separate....

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