There are so many diets out there that it can be hard to find one that will really work for you. How do you choose when so many are advertised as the “best” way to go and at the same time, be so different?

    Although lots of diets might initially appear to be on completely opposite ends of the spectrum, good diets will actually end up having a lot more in common than you think. The truth is that most of the traits of the best diets are all very similar. From vegetarian to Paleo to gluten-free to low-carb to the Mediterranean diet, when done right, share a lot of the same major ideas. Here are simple health tips from the best diets:

Up your water intake

   When you are properly hydrated, your body works as efficiently as possible to carry out all of the activities it does on a daily basis, like  repairing cells, digesting food and yes, kicking your metabolism into gear. All of the best plans,....

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