We work when we work and we play when we play. We also hear some of our friends and colleagues say “I work hard and play harder” and a few say the other way around as well.

   Does this really work? Can we as human beings and busy beings achieve this so called harmony or balance between personal and professional life? Well it is subjective! Why? Because there is something called prioritizing. Other aspects include time management, goal setting and so on. The list can get endless and we have only 24 hours each day!

   At times even I have wondered if we had more time to play or work with. But what are we doing with what we have? When we cannot manage that or balance that, then how can we ask for more? We have heard the famous quote that “Rome was not built in a day!” True, but it was built by thousands of dedicated people and with the thought and leadership of great people. And time was not a factor here....

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