Do you ever think why do onions actually make us cry? And why do only some onions make us blub, including related “allium” plants such as garlic, hardly ever draw a tear when chopped? There is only one torture you faced when you cook food- ‘The torture of chopping onions.’ Cut an onion and your eyes may start to burn and tears may run down your face.

   Onions make us teary because a reaction in the onion releases a chemical called lachrymatory factor (LF)that irritates our eyes. When you simply peel an onion, it won’t make your eyes watery. But when you chop, cut, crush or smash you feel a burning sensation. Because, the onion cells break open, allowing two normally separated substances to combine. Linked together like pieces of a puzzle, they become a potent chemical weapon.

What actually happens?

   Lachrymatory factor is the main reason behind our tears.When we cut into the....

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