I recently met a woman and she was two months pregnant. I showed my warm wishes for her and asked about her condition. She then narrated her story and told me that she had Polycystic Ovary (PCO). I was taken aback with this term and heard that her doctor said these days Polycystic Ovary is helping in pregnancy. Out of 10 women, 8 women had this Syndrome. This happens because of our lifestyle and doctor termed it as a “lifestyle disease”. The women when they reach reproductive age face this common disorder. In PCOS, the ovaries enlarge which contains fluid that is called follicles and one can detect it with USG test.
There is no exact reason of PCOs and is caused mainly by today’s fast life, unhealthy food and hormonal change. It can lead to serious issue if you detect the problem very late. But, early detections can cure the problem and can be reduced with the help of treatment. More rate of insulin: It is a....