The wisdom tooth is the third molar that erupts the dental arch of our oral cavity .The reason for it to be called as the wisdom tooth is probably because it erupts between 18-25years of age, it is the age when an individual matures as an adult and becomes wiser.Well…. being wise has nothing to do with the eruption of wisdom tooth as it may not erupt for lifetime in some individuals. Healthy life helps to build a healthy body and healthy mind and makes a man wise.
Humans have a set of 32 teeth 16 in the upper arch and 16 in the lower arch, among which are 2 central incisor, 2 lateral incisor, 2 canines, 4 premolars and 6 molars in each arch. The last molar is the third molar or the wisdom tooth. In humans 4 wisdom tooth are found.
The development of these third molars starts as early as 5 years of age and the tooth calcification can start at 7 years of age. The wisdom tooth shows a lot of....