“To struggle against the inevitable is like attempting to beat back the waves with a sword....to struggle needlessly and in vain.” Recently, I was talking to a friend who had a physical problem for which there was no cure. He has to suffer silently while outwardly keeping a positive attitude. He said he had accepted the inevitable. He had learnt to live with it and manage it rather than fighting it. “No complaints”, he said. He had to pretend to keep his family members happy.

   We have come across many situations in our lives, where there was no remedy or way out. We were caught in a vice, a double whammy, when we felt powerless and impotent. If we expect too much from life we are disappointed. The facts and the truths may be difficult to swallow and digest. But non-acceptance will lead to stress and loss of peace of mind. 

   There are two sets of opinions: Life is nasty; men are selfish; the world....

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